Journal of Liaoning Petrochemical University
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Study on Mechanical Behavior of Buried Corrosion Pipeline in Frozen Soil Area Based on Finite Element Analysis
Zhu Yuanchi,Wu Yuguo
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In view of the fact that the buried pipeline design does not fully consider the stress changes during the operation process of the pipeline subjected to frost heaving and corrosion, considering the complex working conditions of the buried pipeline containing corrosion in the frozen soil area, the deformation and damage of the buried pipeline in the frozen soil area are analyzed. Factors, the establishment of a finite element model suitable for buried pipelines in frozen soil areas, study the impact of environmental temperature, corrosion depth and length on pipeline stress changes. The results show that the effect of frozen soil on corroded pipelines is mainly divided into elevation and end tensile stress. The elevation and stress increase the stress and strain of the corrosion pipeline linearly, but the effect of end tensile stress is opposite; the stress strain of the pipeline is directly proportional to the square of the corrosion depth. The increase of the corrosion length leads to a sharp increase in the stress and strain of the pipeline. When the length is greater than 150 mm, the mechanical properties of the pipeline fluctuate within a certain range. It provides a new idea and method for the design of buried pipelines in permafrost areas.
2019, 39 (5): 65-72. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6952.2019.05.012